Tuesday, 11 September 2018

This Refund Consulting Program Review on a Broken System

Everyone I have come across at one stage or another of their lives have gotten a little stuck. Whether it was financial, emotional, romantic, career, they seem to be going around in circles and no matter what they do they feel it’s impossible to get off the cycle.

We as humans are conditioned from an early age with all sorts of preconceived ideas on how to live our lives. Let me point out a few and see if these have been said to you throughout your life. You must follow the rules. Don’t cheat, don't copy the person’s answers next to you, play it safe, and don’t take chances. Yes, any of them or even perhaps all of them. That is the system we have to keep us under control, to keep us suppressed, to keep us compliant. 

This Refund consulting program review is written with the intent to assess these preconceived ideas because my friend they do NOT serve.

Have you ever wondered how some of the entrepreneurs, the innovators of society, and the business leaders made it to where they are? Do you think they played by the rules, no, they made their own rules, they manipulated existing rules to better themselves to give themselves a heads up above the rest? Do you think they cheated by looking over their shoulder...yes, they looked over and learned from other peoples mistakes. They are team players, they helped each other along the way so they all can get a step ahead. If everyone relied on themselves it would be hard for anyone to achieve. Look at your favorite sporting team, football soccer, baseball etc. it’s a team sport and everyone plays a role to get the team to be the best. You might have one superstar but without the team, they are still just an individual. 

They all took chances, Branson, Ford, Gates, Musk, Jobs, Bezos, they all had a vision and surrounded themselves with a team that had like-minded goals and broke down where they wanted to be into baby steps. Then proceeded to chip away one step at a time.

So, if you're feeling stuck. You need to talk it over with people that are close to you, that can understand your vision, your frustrations your desires etc. then you must set a big goal that you can break down and achieve within a certain time frame. Think about the goal, meditate on it, talk it over with your team and reverse engineer it. By that I mean work backward from the desired goal to where you are now, in the beginning, and put in as many little steps as possible along the way. Then start working on the first little step and once it’s done, tick it off. Next step, tick it off.

You might have a hundred of these little micro-steps. But by ticking each one off you create momentum. And once you momentum, like a rock rolling down a mountain you create an unstoppable force that eventually becomes an avalanche. Momentum from these baby steps will get out from being stuck.

For More Information:-  Create Australia


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